Monday, August 24, 2009

Fighting the good fight


The last 3-5 days seem to mark a bit of a turn for the worst, but maybe not totally outside of what can occur. Some of the more recent issues landed me back in the hospital for overnight. It's kind of a bummer when you experience some pretty good days and then go south, but the key is not to let it get me to down. It's the long haul were looking at that is important.

Tomorrow they will take a blood test to determine the donor vs. my own cell production. The test takes a full week to complete so won't know for while. Hopefully it will be up significantly from the 9-10% range (donor cells) last time. The doctor is hoping for 40+% range. That would be sweet.

Ya know each day (quoting from the movie) has a bit of "ground hog day" to it. A continually repeat of activities without a lot of variation. Another to be expected situation for someone going through a transplant.

Stay well, enjoy, and I'll talk to ya soon. On the next "ground hog day" that is.

Take care, Mike


  1. All my fingers and toes are crossed while I'm on my knees praying for you good friend. Let's shoot for that blood count to break the doctor's expectation and be 50 % or better! I'm singing to myself everyday :

    "Grow little stem cells, higher, higher...
    Make more stem cells, stronger, stronger..
    Bring Michael home, better, better...
    Grow little stem cells, higher, higher..."

    Sing with me!

  2. Hang in there Mike! You are in all of our thoughts and prayers. We miss you here at work...I think the energy drink vendor does too! :-D

    Good thoughts that the cell production will be way up this week!

