Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A lot of the same - ups and downs


This last week can be characterized as a lot of the same. I did have a minor reaction to a blood transfusion and ended in the hospital overnight. Counts at times go up, then back down. Hard to develop any firm trend. The one real positive is my platelet count is almost normal. Now if the red and white cells would follow suit we would be styling. I've been out on disability now for 2 months. I was hoping to be working part time by now but need the body to kick it up a notch first. The mind is willing but the body is weak.

Someone asked me the other day, "so what major take away that will change your life going forward will be the by product of all of this?" I hope compassion, understanding, being more willing to think of others before myself. Right now it's hard to focus outside of my current situation. But when this to passes, and it will pass, I pray to have a keener understanding and awareness of serving others. For when we give, we seem to always get more in return. The key is not to have and expectation of deserving anything for service given. I hope my attitude remains giving because it is the right thing to do, and nothing else.

Take care, Mike

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike...everyone here is following your updates and thinking about you. Keep up the good fight and hang in there. We all look forward to having you back running the show very soon.

