Friday, June 26, 2009

Last day of treatment - week one

Didn't have the energy to do a post in the last 2 days. This chemo raditation coctail is as strong as it gets. The side effects come in waves, going from feeling not to bad to flat in bed. I am almost through the first full week of treatment. I've had 5 doses of radiation, and in an hour will get my last dose of chemo. Next week I just get radiation for 5 more days. By the end of next week my immune system will be all but gone. That is when the stem cell transplant will take place. They say in 7-10 days it will be as bad as it gets. Then within a few weeks the ride back up. A slow one, but healing starts and the road to recovery begins.

Great news, I get to go to the hotel starting tonight. No more hospital bed and I will have the comfort of my wife to be with and help take care of me. She is a jewel, I'm so lucky to have her.


  1. Mike,
    Prayers and thoughts are with you.
    I'll be in Mexico until the 7th of July.
    I know you will make it and live a long life here on earth
    You are a good brother and I love you

  2. Uncle Mike,

    I will be praying for you. Love you lots

    Dan Noakes
